(405) 252 0460 dr.lisamarotta@gmail.com

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A Slow and Gentle Path to Post Pandemic Recovery

A Slow and Gentle Path to Post Pandemic Recovery

Photo Credit: Ibrahim Boran/Unsplash Post Pandemic Recovery will be a gradual process. How are you doing? In March, the American Psychological Association Survey on Stress in America clearly identified that Covid-19 has negatively impacted our mental health. As many...

Set your Intention with Attention this year

Set your Intention with Attention this year

There is a big difference between intention and resolutions. Make lasting change by setting your intention with attention this year . Photo Credit: Dayne Topkin/Unsplash I was easing gently into 2021 poised for adventures with the blank canvas of my passion planner...

Grief during the Holidays: How to Find Happiness.

Grief during the Holidays: How to Find Happiness.

Photo Credit: Thanks to Isabella and Laura Fischcer @twinsfisch on Unsplash This year is going to be different, in fact it needs to be different. If you have been feeling tired, irritable, tearful, and filled with dread of the holidays--you may be experiencing grief....

Gratitude While Waiting: More Be-ing, Less Do-ing.

Gratitude While Waiting: More Be-ing, Less Do-ing.

Mid-March this year our lives came to a screeching halt. The virus had clearly arrived, and with it came many challenges. My Passion Planner blanked-out, except for work--which quickly switched over to telehealth appointments. My social life reduced to a smaller...

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2844 North Kelly
Suite 106
Edmond, OK

To inquire about services,
please call:
(405) 252-0460
